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Welcome to InfinityHub !

We're a leisure community and this board serves for us to discuss various different topics. We aim to foster relationships between users and grow to be a great community.

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    Posting New Topics


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    Posts : 365
    HubPoints : 95
    Rep : 12
    Join date : 2014-07-28
    Age : 29
    Location : In my hidey hole...

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    Posting New Topics Empty Posting New Topics

    Post by Japorized


    This would be a short tutorial as well as some basic rule of thumb to posting a topic on the forum. We'd like to avoid some of the problems that may exist for users so I would like to point that out in advance for the sake of everyone's experience.

    To post a new topic, just click on this pencil icon as shown on the left here and you'll be brought to a topic posting page.

    Keep the length of the topic title within 1 - 100 letters Smile
    And please refrain from using the topic colors as that will only be used by the board of moderators for announcement purposes.
    If your content will contain spoilers of, say, a certain movie or anime, please include the word
    at the front of your title.

    Please avoid using images that are too big to fit in the message. Restrict your image sizes to a maximum of 500x500 px.

    I hope this post shall help you in posting on the forum and if you have any questions regarding the use of HTML codes or BBCode in your posts, don't forget to ask in the Help & Suggestions section.

    Cheers! :D

    Best regards,

    Last edited by Japorized on Tue Aug 05, 2014 7:00 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Updated topic title length (max 50 to 100))
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