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    Post by UnicornPrancer Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:30 am

    Since Captain was asking for a new game I shall use the powers of necromancy to resurrect the game "Ask The User Below You".

    The rules for how it's played are fairly simple. One of us (me since I'm starting this thread) will ask a question to the user below. The next person to reply to the thread has to answer the question asked and then pose one of their own.

    UnicornPrancer: Why are Unicorns so fabulous?
    *next post*
    VicmxD: Because UnicornPrancer is just so sexy you can't help but think plain unicorn's amazing as well.
    Why is there no more friend fiction of us?

    And so on and so on. Ready?

    Why is UnicornPrancer so sexy? <--- answer this one.

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    Post by VicmxD Sun Mar 01, 2015 3:36 pm

    Because UnicornPrancer is just so sexy you can't help but think plain unicorn's amazing as well (I can't help but to imagine you when I see Unicorns now, that is just the way it's Wink with tongue out). Thanks for doing this game XD lets have some fun Glasses .

    Why is there no more friend fiction of us?

    (you read my mind all the way, or not? Happy Face )

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    Post by Japorized Sun Mar 01, 2015 5:16 pm

    Cause the prancing Unicorn doesn't miss his waifu. The dad's gonna be real mad... Gangster

    How would the scene of a unicorn guy that loves cat girls look like?

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    Post by VicmxD Sun Mar 01, 2015 5:39 pm

    daddy is gonna be really mad if I tell him what I think, it goes with, horn, horse style, wall, tails, lots of loud mews!!! Or a beautiful ride in the countryside like the lovey dovey unlikely couple that those creatures would make (lots of cute purrs and neighings).

    How it would be if your dreams come true (including nightmares and wtf dreams)

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    Post by Japorized Sun Mar 01, 2015 5:52 pm

    VicmxD wrote:daddy is gonna be really mad if I tell him what I think, it goes with, horn, horse style, wall, tails, lots of loud mews!!!

    I do feel mad somehow xD

    How it would be if your dreams come true (including nightmares and wtf dreams)

    It would be scary... Real scary... But at least I can fly :D

    Why should the sun rise in the west when it's already rising from the east?

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    Post by brandon_g Sun Mar 01, 2015 6:59 pm

    Because no one is ever happy with how things are as they are.

    If you could learn one skill over night what would it be?

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    Post by UnicornPrancer Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:00 pm

    How to reverse age.

    Why does Pori-chan think I don't miss my dearest wife?

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    Post by Japorized Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:37 pm

    Cause father's care about their daughter, and they mind how their son-in-laws treat their children.

    Why are you sitting here while you can stand?

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    Post by UnicornPrancer Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:04 pm

    Because I am a lazy creature and standing would require some effort.

    On a scale of 1-10 how cool are you?

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    Post by VicmxD Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:11 pm

    You name it, I'm the captain after all Glasses .

    what you like more, the day or night time? (when it's that you feel at your best)

    P.S.Unsure Only reply until I come back at night (keep going unicorn!)

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    Post by Japorized Tue Mar 03, 2015 3:59 pm

    Probably night time. Am more nocturnal now. But probably cause I feel really sleepy and would sometimes sleep in the evening Tongue out laughing

    How much energy does it take for a prancing unicorn to stand up instead of sitting? xD

    VicmxD wrote:You name it, I'm the captain after all Glasses .

    That was a pretty cool reply xDD

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    Post by brandon_g Thu Mar 05, 2015 5:39 pm

    Not much at all!

    If you could choose a favorite type of code (BBCODE, Html, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, etc) what would it be?

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    Post by Japorized Thu Mar 05, 2015 7:02 pm

    BBCode isn't really a markup language by itself, but a lightweight one for the sake of users who are not familiar with markup languages. HTML and CSS aren't programming languages either but markup language and styling language respectively. Javascript is a programming language, while jQuery is essentially a Javascript library.

    But I'd say that I like jQuery a lot. It really simplified how many would've programmed in Javascript, and saved programmers lots of time as well.

    How much does the horn of a unicorn cost?

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    Post by UnicornPrancer Fri Mar 06, 2015 8:10 pm

    Your life.

    How many hours of anime do you think you've watched?

    Been quiet but I had public speaking to prep. xD

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    Post by VicmxD Sat Mar 07, 2015 5:32 am

    my animelist profile says that it has been 24.8 days, but counting the times I have re watched some series and the ones I saw that aren't counted, I would think it has been like maybe 3 or 4 months? in my entire lifetime, maybe less, maybe more, but I have seen anime since I was like 2 or 3 years old with series like dragon ball, captain tsubasa, slam dunk, sailor moon, pokemon and a hell lot more, like yuyu hakusho and rurouni kenshin.

    Who do you think you are?

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    Post by brandon_g Sun Mar 08, 2015 7:22 am

    A survivalist.

    What is your favorite pizza topping?

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    Post by Japorized Sun Mar 08, 2015 8:04 am

    Baked cheese, best if there's hard-baked bread crust on the sides.

    Needs more life than play or play than life?

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    Post by VicmxD Mon Mar 09, 2015 5:25 am

    both, but I would choose right now more life than play, as you remember, I have still 1 month before beginning classes, so I'm reading psychological stuff, trying to go to classes and extra activities, also, in these days I have gotten quite the emotional roller coaster, I still don't know if I have gotten off or if I'm going in again, I just hope that the next time I go in, then it becomes a more soft-gentler ride XD.

    Would you be a potato or a bacon? name your reasons (if you want) to be an intelligent talking food


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    Post by Japorized Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:37 pm

    A potato, cause I can be like GLaDOS. There are currently no bacon that talks.

    Do you feel uncertain at some point of your life? Share your experience if you're fine with it.
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    Post by L_Ouinn Wed Mar 25, 2015 2:01 pm

    The first time I tried to say 今日は私について話したいと思います。And every time I say いとこはわかい時に木になりたかったけど、今それはむりだと分かっています。My whole speech was a mouth-full.

    Is this thread plagued by silence because no one wanted to share (which is fine) and what the f*** am I doing in a thread that's an equivalent of a distorted corner thread? Dead

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    Post by VicmxD Wed Mar 25, 2015 2:58 pm

    Kinda I suppose, I only can talk for myself in which I said myself, "I will think about it, then when I have a time write it", it was gonna be a personal moment or sort off, then I just let it pass by and yep I and everyone has gone through mild to serious periods in which you feel uncertain in your life, maybe by a huge sudden change or shock, maybe I just had a short one this monday, and in these months, but afterwards we have to try to get a hold of ourselves, get up and keep going.

    you are finally giving in to the "dark side"  Snicker , better late than never lol, it's fun, you get to know a side of your comrades, and good to see that you felt comfortable, and my guess is that you where bored or had nothing to do and to talk a little more you came in here, and that this thread was stagnant.

    Edit: oh the question!!!, if you were to make a friends fiction yourself, what would you write? a little summary of a plot or what would you want with it would be fine.
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    Post by L_Ouinn Wed Mar 25, 2015 3:03 pm

    There's no question there, Cap. What do you take me for? (Edit: question still stands)

    Edit: Friend fiction, huh? See, I have this thing about friend fiction, 'cause my other friend wrote one once that was REALLY... I don't even know how describe it, but wow. No. No. Terrible. Anyway, I would write something like this (it's a writing exercise which started out as us attempting to write a story using the words of one single page out of Harry Potter. Didn't really work, our teacher then gave us free reign) Obviously, I got bored and started writing anime styled.

    As the mummy rounded the corner, it continued to chase down the mouse, crushing anyone who made too much noise. Dean screamed after Mrs Loft kicked him in the face and was crushed in an instant. People stumbled around, trying to avoid the mummy, the mouse, and the entire student body who hadn’t been turned into pools of blood and guts. Mr Smith was carrying a rusty butcher's knife, cutting down every student who’s ever called him ‘Smithy’. They were in big trouble, and not just because almost everyone had called Mr Smith ‘Smithy’ at some point in their time. What made the situation so much worse was that Michael had lost the cat, and the principle was out to get them using her majikku, sending out murderous teachers and a mummy stolen from the museum. Ronald could only pray to whatever higher power who was listening that the principal wouldn’t get a hold of the German canon. There would be no hope for them then.

    Ron left the crowded hallway, and ducked as a frying pan went flying at his head. Expecting one of the cooks, he grabbed an encyclopedia off an unstable looking shelf and swung the book at his attacker. There was a dull thud as the encyclopedia met with a ladle.

    Another majikku student.

    “Ronald! You’re trying to kill me!”

    Ron sighed. “Anne.” Meeting his class rep now in the middle of his plan go wrong was not the ideal situation. Having places to be, and a killer principal to stop was such a pain.

    But on the bright side, at least it wasn’t Thomas.

    “A school prefect shouldn’t go around the school hitting people on the head.”

    “I’m sure the principal won’t mind a little violence against trouble makers like you.” Anne waved her weapon at him. “Maybe she would even reward me.”

    “Your aunt is trying to kill everyone right now, so I don’t think she has time to pat you on the head, and say what a good little girl you are.”

    Anne’s ladle came flying at his head again, only missing just missing him. Placing one hand at her hip, she pointed at him, like the bossy brat she was. “What did you do this time, Ronald?”

    “I didn’t do anything.” He wasn’t going to admit it. Especially since it wasn’t just his fault this time.

    “And I don’t believe you.”

    Ronald scoffed and waved the prefect off. “Doesn’t matter. I’ve got something to do. Have a nice day, Ms Class-rep.” He walked off, knowing that she wouldn’t come after him. She was the principal's niece; no persistence, no talent.

    A science corridor in any school was a disaster waiting to happen, but in this particular school, it was a disaster in continuous motion. For Ronald, it seemed a little worse than usual.


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    Post by VicmxD Thu Mar 26, 2015 5:06 am

    I take you for our group's cute neko girl Blush daughter of our forum chief, the cute little ball of fur pori-chan! Blush2 (too much cuteness in a family =3) and the lost gone wife of the sporadically absent UnicornPrancer Glasses (I can't say that he is cute, lets say that he is a prancing unicorn that balances the cuteness in this triad). And a good internet friend that is a steady student (a pro in pulling out all-nighters) proud of loving anime and manga.

    Question of the day: what is the craziest-weird food that you have eaten?
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    Post by L_Ouinn Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:31 pm

    Captain~! Jump We have a rather strange family up here, don't we? Oh well, at least we're cute Candy Lover

    Craziest-weird food that I've ever eaten? I actually don't have an answer to that. I've eaten some things that people might think weird, but those foods are pretty Asian, so I might be completely desensitised about that stuff.

    What are you pet peeves?

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    Post by Japorized Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:55 am

    I'm never admitting that I'm cute but anyways... I digress.

    Something that peeves me... Hmm... I guess it'll be someone who can't take responsibility and would avoid it at all cost.

    Welcome to the distorted-corner-like category Quinn Smoking Are you ready to be sucked in by the darkness? Relaxed

    No that wasn't the question.
    Question for the person below: Do you like clouds?

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