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    Actually... Now that I think of it


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    Actually... Now that I think of it Empty Actually... Now that I think of it

    Post by Japorized Fri Jan 09, 2015 11:18 am

    Since this is a pretty new forum (despite being there for more than a month already), I, as the admin, should be introducing myself just to start things rolling (is what I think). So I'll just get the show on here.

    I'm Japorized, a Malaysian Chinese, currently pursuing a bachelor's degree of Actuarial Science at a local private university and awaiting for a transfer to maybe the States or Canada. I love doing math, some programming, and sometimes talk about the economics, finance and business, which is why I chose Actuarial Science as my major.

    A more personal hobby of mine is to watch anime, read manga, check out on games (and play em, of course), read and that's pretty much it. I would like to go on vacations but time and money are forbidding me to do so, since I'm still a minor, a student, but I hope I wouldn't just fly all around any time soon. I enjoy living in the same place and slowly learning my environment to a level so well that I can tell you about it like the back of my hand. I like coffee and tea, and recently started to drink a bit of wine (have little knowledge about it only).

    I guess that'll be it about my brief introduction, which I believe that I've covered quite a bit of stuff about myself. If you're writing your own introduction thread, you don't have to be copying how I've written or how I've introduced myself, cause everyone has their own settings for their online privacy levels, which I respect that.

    Hope that you'll all have fun here on this little forum that I've created. As the admin, I hope that you guys will invite some friends to join along and chat. This forum is made just for that, with no other specific purposes but to get to know more people. See y'all around.

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    Post by brandon_g Wed Jan 21, 2015 6:32 am

    Lovely introduction Japorized, to be honesg (this is probably the general biased thinking in the USA) I imagined you in my mind as an american smart programmer sitting at Harvard Unveristy sipping tea and going to class and posting on here in between. I am interested in Malayasia, partucilarrly in finding out what happened to that jet of yours that went missing. Is Malayasia a pretty place by the way?

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    Post by Japorized Wed Jan 21, 2015 8:20 pm

    Ahaha you flatter me Blush, for imagining me as an undergraduate in Harvard U. I am nothing of that sort but simply an ordinary student pursuing a pretty far-fetched dream (considering my background), that I can now somehow have a glimpse of it, which I'm truly glad that I can have this opportunity. I digress.

    Speaking of the missing jet, it is still not found even today. I know that the Malaysian Airlines (some source would refer to the company as MAS, which is Malaysia Airline System) didn't operate at what we would expect as a company's best interest in the modus operandi on the search of the missing jet MH370. It is, I must say, a shame that such a thing would be conducted by such a prized airline company by our government. But that was not the end of the misfortune of our flights. We have two other crashes in the same year, one was shot down in Ukraine, and another was believe to be hi-jacked and crashed around the Straits of Malacca while travelling from Indonesia back to Malaysia. This puts a test to the pledged safety of our airways, as having three aviation accidents in a year is certainly very rare.

    As for how the country is, I must say that Malaysia is a beautiful and naturally-safe country, rich with natural resources, lined with beautiful beaches, and wondrous forests. People here are generally friendly, as commented by some of my friends who are studying here as foreign students. We have a multicultural background, and I can say that we are quite united, but there are extremists that would always poke on racial issues, and they are mostly actively involved in the government. I believe you'll gain some valuable experience if you visit Malaysia, particularly our culture, which can be rather interesting when compared with the other countries around the Southeast Asia region.
    And just a note here, if you follow up on our political movements here, you'll find a lot of unintended comedy that are constantly at play, particularly since about 2008 till now. Tongue out I wonder if they'll lock me up under the "Silencing" Act (I will refrain from writing the name of the act to keep it safe from search engines) since I wrote something like that. Tongue out laughing

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    Post by VicmxD Sun Feb 01, 2015 6:21 am

    hum, our admin post, I haven't made my introduction post neither, maybe one of these days in which I feel like doing so. hum I think the word before coffee should be more like "love", and well leapfrogging was one hell of a hobby, maybe if more people come in here there could be more forum games to play.

    well, keep enjoying your peaceful days sir admin, and yes, you will eventually have a better vision of that future XP, I would suggest live the present now until the future comes that it seems to be near.

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    Post by Japorized Sun Feb 01, 2015 6:51 pm

    I've changed from "like" to "love" for my coffee and tea now in that first post. Tongue out
    And ahh... Those leapfrogging days on AOST. I'm always ninja'd so badly cause I take my time replying. Get your intro thread too Vic, though there aren't many people here to welcome you now. Tongue out laughing

    I'm still indulging myself in my peaceful (well, it's not all that peaceful cause some people will demand your time a lot, leaving you with little for your own) life for now. I wanna do something different though. Picking up on a new programming language now (PHP). :D
    And I hope that this forum will just slowly take its time to come alive. Smile

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