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Welcome to InfinityHub !

We're a leisure community and this board serves for us to discuss various different topics. We aim to foster relationships between users and grow to be a great community.

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    [Updates] Background and Cover Photo in your Profile


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    Posts : 365
    HubPoints : 95
    Rep : 12
    Join date : 2014-07-28
    Age : 29
    Location : In my hidey hole...

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    [Updates] Background and Cover Photo in your Profile Empty [Updates] Background and Cover Photo in your Profile

    Post by Japorized

    Hiya, what's up? We've got a new addition to our HubPoints Shoppe today.

     Excited Ooh, shiny~ New background? Nope.

    We've added a special feature to have your very own background picture and cover photo in your profile page.
    If you wanna make sure that this isn't a prank or fraud, check InfinityHub Bot's profile, and then check your own.

    Now to install your own background or cover photo is not a feature that's given by the forum provider as the board has to use some codes to get it working. I would let everyone change their background image and cover photo freely if I can but unfortunately, it's not within my power yet. Something to look forward to, I would say?

    So if you wish to have either or both of the features in your profile, you'll need to purchase with your HubPoints. It's a one time purchase, so it's quite worthy. Check the Counter for the pricing.  :D 

    We hope that you'll like this feature that we've implemented!  Full 

    Best regards,

    Last edited by Japorized on Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Post Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:44 am by Japorized

    New Update to this feature!
    We've removed the sidebar and so your profile should look a lot cleaner and spacious now.

      Current date/time is Tue Oct 08, 2024 8:36 pm