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    Post by VicmxD Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:57 pm

    I went yesterday too to a birthday party of a friend, went quite good XP, I didn't sang but I danced even if I don't know how to dance XD, well, good luck with your phone's revival, there are some devices that the repair costs more than the device, I hope it's not the case.

    Well, as it's sunday it's really quiet around here, maybe I will spent the day reading, an manga or anime. And my grandmother got a sickness that in here is called chikungunya, it's like a dengue but stronger, mostly with bone and joint pain, we will take care of her, but I hope that it doesn't spread unto us, mostly when in a house one's got it, nearly all familiars get caught consequently, I have an aunt that didn't got it from my maternal family side, so I have hopes XP, it can pass a week for the sickness to subside, but the pains last like nearly a year and the virus is active too by that time frame and relapse from time to time and it seems that I may got a cold =/, need to get up my body's defenses.

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    Post by Japorized Sun Jan 25, 2015 5:19 pm

    Well, the repairs will probably be quite pricey. Maybe more than 100 bucks, which I don't think I'll go for that if it's about that price.
    Hope you had fun at your friend's party.

    And whoa... I didn't expect there'd be something that's like dengue and stronger. Dengue's already a pain to bear. It's not exactly painfully painful, but it can be hard to sleep at night. Do take care and watch out for those tiny buggers.

    Speaking of manga, it's kinda hard for me to track what I've watched now, now that my phone's screen is busted.

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    Post by VicmxD Sun Jan 25, 2015 10:03 pm

    well, I use myanimelist and put every manga I want to read or that I'm currently reading in reading XP, and in kissmanga y have the bookmark list for knowing when a new chapter comes up, of course I have to be in my laptop to see it, I read mostly in my laptop, I don't like to read too much in my phone, but I have done it, I prefer to read it on full resolution.

    yep I had fun, I got out early because my dad picked me up, then until today he said that I'm a drunkard and that I was wasted, at least he was kinda joking today not being so serious, but I was not even near that state, I take care of myself, the most bad states I had, were: a stomachache without being that animated (with beer) and one time that I was really exhilarated (whiskey) only one time in my life, but I have never lost consciousness, felt that dizzy, trowed up or had a hang over, not so strong ones, but well, that is how it's for strict fathers and sons like me that likes to go out and drink from time to time on reunions mostly, never alone unless it's a really delicious drink and I take a little like cream punch or limoncello (like a dessert I would say).

    I want to think that liking alcohol but being respectful of its effects, not abusing it and not consuming it in so regular periods of time doesn't make you an alcoholic XD, but there is a fine line in between a drinker and an alcoholic (and of course I want to believe and make sure that I'm not one or that I'm not going to become one).

    Oh I have an electrified racket!!! they spark like fireworks! (quite exaggerating, but flies burn up, flash and explode in quite an entertaining way)

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    Post by brandon_g Mon Jan 26, 2015 7:01 am

    OopsI meant the writee post for this topic. All well, I repeat my statement from the last post.

    Edit (by Japorized, copied from your referred post)Unsure
    You guys should be writers.... have you ever considered being a novelist?

    Jap: Now that I have to do this, I have successfully stumbled upon one of the weaknesses of FM (this forum software) Tongue out And Bran, I'll remove that post of yours from the other thread

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    Post by Japorized Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:36 am

    To @VicmxD
    Hmm... It's still kinda hard to keep myself in the habit of updating it manually. There's this app that I have on my phone that as you read, it records what you've read and till which page you've read. You can have a list of favorites that updates itself every time you launch the app, telling you which of the favorited manga has new chapters. It's too convenient. Tongue out laughing

    My dad would murder me if I am drunk. That's why I barely ever drank, cause I never knew how much I can drink. At least your dad would trust you and your drinking. My parents would never stop worrying about me doing this or that.
    But I had some wine that day as well, about two shots of whiskey and a couple of grape wine. I was completely fine while many of my other friends were already half-drunk from the grape wine alone. Tongue out That makes em real cute. xD

    Those rackets are always "entertaining" to use. I remember that I was using it, smacking all around like it was some badminton racket. xD And the smell of death would fill the air whenever you hit one, in terms of the buggers being fried.

    To @brandon_g
    I have, for once, then forwent it very soon. I enjoy writing as well, but wouldn't really take it up as a profession. I have constant Writer's Block even now, and that's pretty bad for a writer that wishes to start of new.


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    Post by brandon_g Mon Jan 26, 2015 2:26 pm

    I am writing a book. Still ih the 1st 4 pages though Tongue out.

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    Post by VicmxD Tue Jan 27, 2015 7:44 am

    Well, he does trust me in some stuff, he doesn't trust or like my drinking, it's more like he accepts it and at the same time he lectures me for it. I'm just trying to find ways to become more productive, like a program for writing and have no distractions and an online page for making mental maps and records-files, as I dislike to do them in paper and pencil-ballpen, also as I'm kinda slacking off, even more now that I don't have the necessity for going to classes until march, I made a calendar-schedule for my activities XD, now I'm out of time and lacking asleep, but well, I spent the time planning and researching those stuff.

    and Brandon, I kinda considered it, I'm not so good, I'm amateur in writing stories, but I like it from time to time, and I don't consider them bad, but really it's hovering the average far from excellent, I really don't consider it for a living, and far from a steady hobby, but I enjoy writing something from time to time (really afar from each other) and I do sure like to go creative in my wording when I write some papers or informally in forums, I really liked to give detailed deaths in kill the user above XD in other forum, and things like that.

    But for being a writer you have to dedicate to it every week at least some time, and it's really useful to have a little notepad and pencil to note down Ideas for some stories, they can arrive at every hour of the day whether you are looking for them or not. Well, good luck with your book XP, if you believe it and do the effort, then you can do it.

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    Post by brandon_g Wed Jan 28, 2015 4:25 am

    Wow quite the paragraph there... I totally agree with you, I have half of the story made up, just have not written it down on paper yet, I startihg writing a while ago but lost the flash drive it was on. So I have tovre write. Smile

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    Post by Japorized Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:08 am

    Oh, too bad that the flash drive is gone.
    What's your book about?

    I've deferred my current semester as well, since there's a requirement saying that there's a maximum amount of subjects that I can take. So I myself don't have classes till end of March as well. Now that I have basically nothing important to do, there were a few days that I woke up at like 12 noon without realizing that I slept that long. Like I would tell myself to wake up at maybe 8 or 9am (latest) cause I'd like to spend more time doing other stuff than sleeping, but it's like my body would pull me back into sleeping even with alarm clocks. It's like there's no cheating my body about it.

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    Post by VicmxD Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:24 am

    yep, that is just my reality, now I'm redacting my letter for renouncing the career, I should have classes quite early, at 7:30 am, and the office is open at 9:00 am, my body in these days has just got me to sleep until 6:15 or more, even 7:00 or so, I'm quite unrest because I demand myself to wake up early and do some stuff, but then when the alarm clock rings, I just think, shut the ___ up, I don't need to wake up, it's better to have full sleep.

    Then the vicious cycle repeats, I hope that when I have all papers settled, then I can have a stable routine, not having a stable routine is killing me XD, I feel quite anxious from time to time thinking that I'm in study time (officially in other careers and normally in mine these times are vacation times, but everything is crazy because of the crisis and the previous strikes), but my body and part of me is working as if this time is dead-vacation time. Well I will stop procrastinating and finish to write my renounce letter. Building a routine specially for these times is essential

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    Post by Japorized Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:45 pm

    Whoa... Your body can tell which time of the year it is? But then again, I don't think I'd be able to hone something like that here on my end. My country has a lot of holidays, much more than one can imagine.

    You'll be able to get your papers done soon. Is it a long process?

    I'm not gonna type long today. It's Wednesday night, and I had training. Now muscles of my whole body is just screaming in pain of lactic acid.

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    Post by VicmxD Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:55 am

    nope it can't I think XD, you only get the feeling of the season I think, but what I'm saying is that breaking with my routine of classes and waking up early it's kinda tearing apart all my habits, lets say that it's easier to do stuff on determined times even if obliged in a regular routine or to have nothing at all to do like in vacations, it's kinda wearing down to not have either, but to have the option to decide whether you want to do stuff by your own will, to decide the things you want to do, having the option at the same time to do nothing at all, so I'm kinda deciding daily between what to study, what not, if I want to just do whatever and have leisure time or not, waking up late, not going to a class that I readed for it and not going to another class for which I didn't read and decide what classes I want to go and those that I don't want to.

    So in resume I'm kinda tired, and some events in my life, especially with the friends department are kinda tiring, when sex and love mix between kinda lengthy friends, it can arise something good and at the same time there is possibilities there to appear a disaster, just yesterday I spoke to a friend, stopping him from doing something bad, specially bad for himself, he is kinda emotionally unstable, and the situation of the other friend is another stuff, and at the same time I'm kinda worried myself for other stuff I'm thinking about.

    At least I already renounced from my career, there is only left the inscription, and then it's all over until march. Rest well japo, I suppose your bed won't let you get out tomorrow XD.

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    Post by brandon_g Thu Jan 29, 2015 5:03 pm

    Japorized wrote:@brandon_g
    Oh, too bad that the flash drive is gone.
    What's your book about?

    It is a mixture of Survival and Narnia type book. Smile Lucky me, I could not find the Flash drive I started writing it again on, however, I just found it yesterday in the washing machine when I was transferring the laundry to the dryer. So now I can continue writing it.

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    Post by Japorized Fri Jan 30, 2015 7:22 pm

    After about half a day of ruckus (was actually packing up), I'm back in my hometown now.

    Vic, I get how your friend is. It's a bit like immersing himself in very deep water, and seeing nothing else but continuing his sinking, down into the depths of the abyss. It's cold and dark so it takes time and effort to turn him around and help him swim back up.
    And yes, I slept a LOT yesterday, unwillingly. Woke up a bit earlier than I usually do yesterday, and then I just fell back asleep after having breakfast, and only woke up a little after noon. Sad

    So Bran, it's a survival, fantasy, adventure kind of story? And good thing that you've found your flash drive. Smile

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    Post by VicmxD Sat Jan 31, 2015 4:21 am

    So these are peaceful days for you XD, good, you are free? you don't have classes until you make your travel or you have some free week?

    Well good luck with that brandon, keep going, if you want to share your work I may read it XD or until it's published XP

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    Post by Japorized Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:03 pm

    Yes, I am free, for now. But I'll try looking for a job or something. Don't wanna laze around for one whole month. And I still have one last semester to go, but that's in March to July.

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    Post by VicmxD Sun Feb 01, 2015 3:03 am

    today, there aren't any recent news XD, just the habit to write something to keep up the conversation, I like to talk like this and have a message waiting XP, it's bad that it's not the same as before but well, I don't want to let the habit die or loss contact.

    Well enjoy your time and fare well!, these are precious times for change.

    So how is all going brandon? faring well I suppose Feeling Smart

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    Post by Japorized Sun Feb 01, 2015 6:56 pm

    Hmmm... Recent news huh? My anime news flash: I'm watching Death Parade, and catching up on some older anime as well, if the connection is kind to me that is. Tongue out My phone's screen is still out, so I'm trying to think of what I'm following on with my manga.
    As for news IRL, Chinese New Year is actually drawing pretty near (for the Chinese). It's a pretty harsh year, with our economics slowly going from slightly suffocating to slowly drowning. It's gonna be a pretty quiet celebration this year as well, I reckon.
    Speaking of festivals, there are actually a lot, and yes, a lot as in A LOT, of festivals in my country. We have lots of holidays due to that as well. Tongue out

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    Post by VicmxD Mon Feb 02, 2015 1:58 am

    I think having to celebrate 2 new years eve is quite great XD, of course I think this one is the one that counts more in your culture, I believe those festivals should be great, there are some in here, but well in the city it's kinda lost, or I haven't participated in a lot of them, the towns all around my country have their special forms of celebrations, those are the good ones regarding the region, it's kinda difficult to have that kind of activities in the city and I believe there sure are.

    I think it is great to have lots of cultural festivals XD, good moments, memories and the celebration of life, taking a rest from the pressures of human society, well, I sure hope you enjoy those days, maybe you can send some pictures of a celebration around there =P

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    Post by brandon_g Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:45 am

    Yes Japorized,

    It is Survival, Fantasy, Magic and an Adventure story all mixed together. I have not had any chance to work on my book either, every time I go on the PC I am always having to fix or add something to Broadcasting Duo. If only someone had told me how hard being an can be when before I got into it.... all well too late now.

    I hope you enjoyed your move Japorized, you can also promote your forum on mine if you want, just take a look at our Advertisement Listings Section.


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    Post by Japorized Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:49 am

    VicmxD wrote:I think having to celebrate 2 new years eve is quite great XD, of course I think this one is the one that counts more in your culture, I believe those festivals should be great, there are some in here, but well in the city it's kinda lost, or I haven't participated in a lot of them, the towns all around my country have their special forms of celebrations, those are the good ones regarding the region, it's kinda difficult to have that kind of activities in the city and I believe there sure are.

    I think it is great to have lots of cultural festivals XD, good moments, memories and the celebration of life, taking a rest from the pressures of human society, well, I sure hope you enjoy those days, maybe you can send some pictures of a celebration around there =P

    Lemme share a bit on how we usually celebrate this event. It was more celebratory when I was younger but now it's starting to turn pretty bland.
    We'd have a reunion dinner with the whole extended family, mine's on the maternal side of my family. Then it'd be fireworks to welcome the new Chinese year. We'd then visit other family members and friends. You'd see red deco's all over the houses and the shops in town as well.
    But things are different now, maybe cause times have been really bad for a long time. Sad

    And yeah, I'll share em here if I can get some good ones. Smile

    brandon_g wrote:Yes Japorized,

    It is Survival, Fantasy, Magic and an Adventure story all mixed together. I have not had any chance to work on my book either, every time I go on the PC I am always having to fix or add something to Broadcasting Duo. If only someone had told me how hard being an can be when before I got into it.... all well too late now.

    I hope you enjoyed your move Japorized, you can also promote your forum on mine if you want, just take a look at our Advertisement Listings Section.


    I know how having annoying little bugs on a forum can really ruin your day. Just to look for it takes a lot of time, sometimes.
    But I'll still look forward to your book. :D

    I'll post it there when I'm really ready but not at the moment I guess. Busy preparing for the festival now.

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    Post by brandon_g Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:42 pm

    It is more then just fixing bugs, it is adding new features, adding minor updates to bring people in then fixing the damn bugs on the new software, people on FM are always scolding me because my forum still works on PHPBB2 and I REFUSE to switch it for the sole purpose of all the re coding it will require, plus the forum would need to shut down while this work is being done, all admins present and it is just a headache not worth dealing with. PHPBB 2 is fine with me, the worse thing for a growing forum is to shut down for maintanece or upgrades that are not really necessary, so unless there is a MAJOR techienal issue or bug that will abosutelly require me to put in construction mode, it is not happening.

    I saw you made the switch and spent a whole re formatting and coding it, good for you.

    I hope to continue writing my book soon.


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    Post by VicmxD Wed Feb 04, 2015 3:02 am

    I kinda understand you Japo XD, as issues and your age progresses, it's not the same, here we have gone downhill since a long time ago and well celebrations aren't the same as before, and the people is a lot different, I have to partake on both family sides, mostly with my father's side because they are nearer and I live with my father and others I go to my mother's side, one is more about food and a little time chatting, and the other is more music and dancing, in both we tell jokes, tales, etc. And I have never launched a firework to say the truth, they are less common in here nowadays, really expensive, but there were lots of them when I was a young thing, I always watched them from a window with my friends at new years eve, it was kinda magical, smelling a lot of gunpowder.

    Brandon, if you want both then you need to make those a priority over other stuff you do, and I would recommend to dedicate without questioning yourself, an specific hour of the day or several, in which you write and nothing more, no thinking or doing other activities, then you can resume the rest of your life and you do whatever you want with your forum XP not regarding what others want to say (not stopping being open to productive suggestions for yourself), if it's a project you want to maintain that it's part of you, keep going without problems, but if it's kinda wearing you down unwillingly from your part, if that happens eventually, then you may want to pass the torch so people take over if it's really important for them or solely letting it die, the same as it begun on a whim of yours.

    To take on objectives you have to change your life so you can implement the means and work fully in what you want to achieve, from modifying your surrounding as your habits, if that isn't done at any degree, then you are less prone to get to where you want to arrive, not impossible but more difficult and with more time in between, of course everyone is different so there are lots of different strategies applicable several different approaches, that are better if they fit your personality, and in that way you take better control on your way of life (it doesn't have to be extreme or difficult XP, just a mix of balance between what you want and your life). A really good author that is continuously writing and investigating on those issues is gretchen rubin, highly recommended it has served me.

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    Post by Japorized Wed Feb 04, 2015 5:12 am

    Yea, I did change the forum software before. Used too much on PunBB, and it's got lots of limitations as well, so I just decided to quickly change to Invision. Still happy with the codes and everything so far, though the Invision version on FM is really old and pretty crappy. Look at them new Invision forums and you'll see how old and flimsy is Invision on FM. It's been a long time since FM last updated these forum softwares, which I think they should.
    But then again, phpBB2 is really ancient. It's quite hard to keep up with the coding as well, cause the structure is quite badly programed in. It's ok to not switch for now. Just wait till your forum activity is up, and your members loyal, then only you propose for a change.

    I guess it's cause as we grow, these things kinda starts getting mundane and uninteresting, cause we start learning about how they come by, how that we're the ones making it happen, so on and so forth...
    Oh and you have dancing? Cool! It's not something that we Chinese do for our festivals, at least, not in my country (not sure about China itself).
    And fireworks... Oh boy, these things are actually illegal in my country nowadays, so it's hard to get and expensive. But nothing really stops people from getting in the festive mood. There are ways to get these things still, but not to my knowledge of how-to. It's always been a norm for the Chinese to have fireworks for their festivals, but the government decided to criminalize it after all. Sad

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    Post by VicmxD Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:38 am

    well, the dance is optional if we want to celebrate a little like a party XD. fireworks are illegal too in here, I understand, but the impact in your culture is greater, more abrupt, and in those celebrations even if it seems repeated, it's within ourselves to make it unique XP, enjoy with the people with whom we are and make things interesting, if it's boring for us then we aren't doing enough, if you want happy and fun moments then you have to invest and make them yourself, and I love when people tell stories, It's kinda difficult for me to remember some of my own or in my opinion to have something worth of telling, there sure is lots of stuff, but I haven't paid attention to convert them into stories, something in list to develop further and have experiences with whom I would be proud to narrate XD (regarding what social group) some of the things I wish to do.

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