
Welcome to InfinityHub !

We're a leisure community and this board serves for us to discuss various different topics. We aim to foster relationships between users and grow to be a great community.

So join us! We've been expecting you. :)

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Welcome to InfinityHub !

We're a leisure community and this board serves for us to discuss various different topics. We aim to foster relationships between users and grow to be a great community.

So join us! We've been expecting you. :)

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Announcements & Updates 

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General Rules

As every single constitution, institution and organization has it, the InfinityHub has some of its own rules that everyone has to follow.
Fortunately, we don't have articles or lines like a law book.
We only need everyone to follow these simple rules so to ensure the quality of our experience here on the forum.

Please go through the rules and do write at the Help & Suggestions section if you have further questions about the rules.
And as time goes by, I will update the FAQ page on any of the rules to ease...

by Japorized -  0 -  1394
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Forum Changelog

Hi y'all,

This will be a bit more geeky than you might expect.
This post will comprise of all the updates, from major overhauls or minor tweaks, that has happened within the forum, starting from the oldest to the latest.
I'll try to keep this list as clean as possible, and of course, update it as much as possible, so that you'll not miss out on any of the important features added into the forum.
So here goes...

Jul 31, 2014

  • added login box, user profile box, latest topics list, weekly, monthly, and...

by Japorized -  1 -  1652
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Posting New Topics


This would be a short tutorial as well as some basic rule of thumb to posting a topic on the forum. We'd like to avoid some of the problems that may exist for users so I would like to point that out in advance for the sake of everyone's experience.

To post a new topic, just click on this pencil icon as shown on the left here and you'll be brought to a topic posting page.

Keep the length of the topic title within 1 - 100 letters

by Japorized -  0 -  2273


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We're Hiring!!
Think you'll be helpful for the community? Wish to learn managing a forum?
InfinityHub is now open for employment!!

Technically, we aren't really hiring anyone but we're opening up...

by Japorized -  0 -  1229
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Hi guys, we've cut down the prices of items in the HubPoints Shoppe. Check out the store for new exciting prices!  Excited 

by Japorized -  0 -  962
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Hiya, what's up? We've got a new addition to our HubPoints Shoppe today.

 Excited Ooh, shiny~ New background? Nope.

We've added a special feature to have your very own background picture and cover photo in your profile page.
If you wanna make sure that this isn't a prank or fraud, check InfinityHub Bot's profile, and then check your own.

Now to install your own background or...

by Japorized -  1 -  945
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We implemented two new features today, which are...

Navigation Bar v1.0 (released on Aug 4, 2014)
Announcements & Updates Screen12

Our new navigation bar! Very clean, very sleek! Best thing is that it contains no images but utilizes our FontAwesome feature.
And another great thing is that it toggles as you hover over the links, showing more options to navigate around the forum quickly.

The new navigation bar contains all...

by Japorized -  1 -  1455
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Hiya guys,

We've successfully implemented FontAwesome to the forum. If you don't know what it is, click on the link and it'll bring you to its GitHub introduction page.
I stumbled upon this CSS stylesheet as I was roaming about websites to websites and forum to forums, and I found that it's a pretty cool concept and would be an awesome functionality to add to the forum.

However, it's not easy to use somehow. I will try to implement into replies, but then again, it has...

by Japorized -  0 -  1207
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Hello :D

I'm glad that you're visiting the forum today.
As you may see, this forum is just newly made and still needs a lot of work.

If you're happy to help me out and get this forum moving with me, feel free to reply here, drop me a message if you're shy (which is also called PM) or email me at johnson5756 at live dot com (replace at with the alliance symbol and the dot a full stop or period or whatever you call it Tongue out)
I'll be happy to have you. :twisted: 

by Japorized -  0 -  958
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Current date/time is Fri Sep 13, 2024 4:53 pm